Jadwal dan Hasil Pertandingan


Langkah Milan Mulus Lagi....!!

Hahahahah.... Milan menang, inter draw, Juventus kalah...!!. Dengan ini milan sedikit mengurangi selisih poin dengan Inter Milan (12 point) dan memperkecil jarak dengan Juventus (2 point).

Sebagai Milanisti saya berharap Milan bisa konsisten dan finis di tempat ke-2 pada akhir musim nanti, mudah-mudahan itu terjadi. AMIEN....

Lebih lengkapnya baca berita berikut ini :
  • Carletto Terima Diusir, Tolak ke Chelsea click here...


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1 comment:

  1. mdah2an aja finis ke dua minggu depan di giornata ke 32 kalo g salah juve lawan inter, kalo juve seri or kalah bsa kesalib tuh juve asalmilan menang lagi


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World AIDS Day, observed December 1 each year, is dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection. HIV/AIDS has been a global epidemic for more than 27 years. Most of today's youth have never known a world without it. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently published national HIV incidence (new infections) that showed much higher numbers that previous estimates. The time is now. Together, we can prevent the spread of this pandemic – through awareness, care, prevention, education and research...